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Lesson Policies for Enrollment 

An “enrolled student” in the studio is defined as a student that is taking regular weekly lessons and is willing to abide by the policies outlined here. 


Lesson Schedule


School year lessons typically begin the same day that Montgomery County Public School classes begin in the fall, and end on or around the last day of MCPS classes the following June. A calendar with specific lesson start and end dates as well as studio closings for holidays, instructor absences, etc. is maintained on the studio website. Students enrolled in the studio are expected to attend weekly lessons whenever the studio is open (make up lesson policies apply as listed below). Students who wish to continue lessons from one school year to the next are required to take a minimum of four lessons during the summer session.


Student practice


To receive the maximum benefit from the lessons, it is important that the student both attend weekly lessons and practice regularly. Specific practice expectations will be set up by the instructor for each student at lessons based on age, ability level, and goals. Students are asked to log their practice time on the weekly assignment log. 


Lesson Fees & Payment


Lesson Fees: The following schedule outlines monthly fees for lessons (prices effective September 1, 2022). Lessons for the school year are divided into 10 equal payments at the prices noted below payable September through June. An extra payment is billed in July if the student continues with summer lessons so they can enroll for the next school year.

Monthly Fee

Lesson length

1st lesson per family                            2nd lesson per family                                   3rd lesson per family

30 minutes                                   $180                                                            $170                                                                      $160

45 minutes                                   $254                                                            $244                                                                      $234

Lesson Payment: Payment for all lessons within a calendar month is due by the first day of each month. All payments should be made through the PaySimple secure online payment system. An invoice will be generated and sent on the 25th of each month to the email address on file. To pay the invoice, click on the "Pay Invoice Now" link within the invoice. If you wish to set up automatic payments (which do not require you to keep track of and manually pay an invoice each month) please contact me and I can set this up for you with the credit card you have on file. 


Late payment:  Lesson fees received after the third day of the month will incur a $15 late fee.


Cancelled/Missed Lesson Policies


To cancel a lesson:  If a student is unable to attend a scheduled lesson please notify the instructor at least 24 hours in advance of the lesson by phone/text (240.498.0616) or email (


Exceptions to the 24-hour cancellation policy can be made for student illness, family emergency, or inclement weather that makes travel to the lesson hazardous. In these situations, same-day cancellation is acceptable. In the case of inclement weather, an online lesson can be substituted. 


Missed lesson policies: The following missed lesson policies apply:


  1. Make-up lesson. One make-up lesson can be scheduled for each lesson that is cancelled in accordance with the above policies. A cancelled make-up lesson is  is forfeit. Parents who would like a make-up for their student should schedules this via the make-up calendar that can be accessed through the studio website.

  2. Forfeit of lesson fee. In the following circumstances, a student forfeits the lesson fee for a missed lesson: 1) the instructor is not notified with 24 hours advance notice that the lesson will be missed AND no make-up exception has been made by the instructor; 2) the student is unable or unwilling to schedule a make-up lesson; 3) a make-up lesson scheduled by the student is then cancelled.

  3. Additional lesson credits. Credits for missed lessons will only be given at the discretion of the instructor. Contact me if you have extenuating circumstances and would like me to consider a credit. 

  4. Severe weather cancellations. If a student cancels a lesson due to severe weather and the instructor is notified in advance of the lesson, a make-up lesson can be scheduled. PLEASE NOTE: lessons are not automatically cancelled if school is cancelled or if students are released early due to severe weather.


Instructor cancellations:  In the event that the instructor cancels a scheduled lesson due to illness, severe weather, or other circumstances, no lesson fee is due or a credit will be issued for the affected lessons. When possible, make-up lessons will be offered, though students are under no obligation to make up the missed lesson in this circumstance.


Waiting for Student Lessons


Students, parents, and other visitors are asked to wait in the studio waiting room provided for this purpose or in their vehicle.  Our front porch, yard patio, garden and all other rooms in our home constitute our private residence and are not intended for student/parent use.


Late Lesson Arrival


Late lesson arrival:  Please note that each lesson starts and ends at the scheduled start/end times. Exceptions for late arrival will be made at the discretion of the instructor based on circumstances and instructor availability.


Parent/Guardian Signature (required):


I, the parent/guardian for the students named below, indicate by the submission of this form that I have read and understood the lesson policies. I understand that my student’s continued study with Kim Murray indicates willingness to abide by these policies.

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